Temperance means restraint and moderation, moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages.
Something that serves as evidence. The Latin root for testimony is testis, meaning “ witness.” “Eye witness testimony”
Having God as the focal point of thoughts, interests, and feelings.
A visible manifestation to humankind of God or a god, that God desires to be present with humanity. From Greek theophaneia, “appearance of God”
The word tithe literally means tenth in Hebrew. Tithing in the book of Hebrew is a way to say thank you to God, and it shows faith in God.
An excavation in which a corpse is buried : grave. : a place of interment. : a house, chamber, or vault for the dead.
Transgression is the same as trespassing, which is understood to mean the intrusion or infringement on another or on another's property.
An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event, a suffering or trouble, usually resulting from oppression. Tribulation comes from the Latin verb tribulare "to oppress, afflict."
Tzaddik is a title in Judaism given to people considered righteous, such as biblical figures and later spiritual masters. Hebrew translated to “a righteous and saintly person, of doing what is correct and just”